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Ways for Women to Feel Younger After 40

Every trip around the sun is cause for celebration, but once you go over the hill, you may notice some changes. Aging is natural, but there’s no harm in defying it to always look and feel young after 40. In fact, some of the most famous Hollywood actresses are over 40 and clearly thriving. Steal […]

What Is Self Care?

A couple taking time out for self care

Self care is any act to tend for your mental, emotional, and/or physical health. Why is it important? What is self care and why is it important? A lot of the time we brush away or neglect our anxiety and stress. We assume it will just go away and that we will be unaffected by […]

CBD and Inflammation

che in man's body on black background with red dot.

Inflammation is the body’s response to noxious stimuli and involves a complex mechanism that acts in response to the insult. The stimuli result in a systematic release of chemicals called inflammatory mediators and activation of inflammatory cells so that the body can attempt to heal itself. What are the types of inflammation and causes?

Zinc (Zn) And Its Effects On Human Health

Zinc Effects Health

The human body requires certain mineral elements to function correctly. These minerals are referred to as essential mineral elements and must be obtained by a balanced diet as they are not produced or stored by the body. Zinc (Zn) is one of the many essential elements that ensure the healthy functioning of the human body. […]

Vitamin C: An Essential Vitamin

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that is not synthesized by the human body. The inability of humans to synthesize this vitamin means that the vitamin has to be arbitrarily taken in the diet. Another reason that advocates how vital this vitamin is the fact that the human body presents […]

Beat The Summer Heat In A Cool Way

Beating the heat

Doesn’t it seem like summers are continually getting hotter each year? We think so! Check out this list of 11 ways to beat the heat this summer: Drink plenty of water Use a portable mini fan Eat cold, nutritious foods (like fruit, veggies, cold sandwiches, etc.) Hop in the pool. Apply ice to your body’s […]

Feeling Tired?

Bored Businesswoman Yawning At Workplace Feeling No Motivation O

We all know that familiar groggy feeling in the morning, the afternoon, and sometimes almost all day long. You’ve tried a cup of coffee, a power nap, or even splashing your face with cold water but nothing seems to work. Well, let’s get to the root of all of this. Some of the most common […]

Why Can’t I Sleep?

Can't Sleep

An adequate amount of sleep is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. After an entire day’s work, it is important that the body gets its deserved amount of rest. Sleep at the right time for the right duration is necessary for not just physical but also mental health. Many studies have shown that […]

The Immune System And How To Strengthen It

Strengthen Immune System

What is the human immune system? The human body is complex with multiple cells, systems, and organs working together to maintain homeostasis. Many environmental and internal factors affect this complex system which can lead to illness of any organ or system. Therefore, one of the important components of this complicated set-up is the immune system […]

Seven Effective Stress Management Techniques

Stress Management Technique

Stress looks different for everybody and triggers responses that vary from individual to individual. What is it that stresses you out? Stress is our bodies reaction to the changing environment around us. Our bodies react to these changes with emotional, physical and mental responses. What are your responses to stress? Maybe you get bogged down […]